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Fundació ENT is a private research centre created in 2010, with its base in Vilanova i la Geltrú, near Barcelona (Spain). It is formed by 10 experienced engineers, graduates, postgraduates and PhDs from different fields related to environmental management, including industrial engineers, environmental scientists and environmental and ecological economists. ENT has an extensive experience in the development of projects of consultancy, research and cooperation for development. Our experience covers the areas of waste management, environmental taxation, ecological economics, political ecology and marine policies. Our clients are public authorities ranging from local and regional authorities, to Ministries, and to international, institutions, such as the OECD or the European Commission, although we have also clients from the University, NGOs or the private sector.

Role in the project

ENT provides planning experience useful specially for WP5, practical knowledge about implementation of real cases and communication strategies and experience in relation to economic and environmental analysis, a part from technical support for a number of other tasks.


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