The demonstration platform work aims at proving the efficiency of the concepts and processes by practical implementations on two real locations and by simulation of a broad range of other relevant European locations. This work step will result in validated processes with new or reinforced patents, in a validated integrated tool for designing an urban biowaste decentralised management system and in business models for processes and services markets development. In this view, the innovation demonstration work is based on a multi-stakeholders approach and divided in two principal phases: a demonstration set up step and an assessment of eco-innovation step
Demonstration set up
The targeted real demonstration cases are located by two of the consortium partners:
- Lyon (France): micro-AD and SSF pilot units will be implemented on the Horticol school of Ecully which hosts greenhouse farming as the reFARMERS urban farm
- Dolina (Italy): microAD will be set up in an urban area of the municipality of Dolina near the “free port” of Trieste which waste management is led by A&T2000
These two real demonstration locations will enable to test the coupling of urban biowaste management with urban farming, and the intra-urban decentralised valorization. A broad work coupling communications and engineering approach will be engaged in order to ensure the acceptance and involvement of all stakeholders (neighbourhood, public authorities, waste operators, etc.) and to reach within a few months a steady state in terms of biowaste supply and process running. In addition, information will be gathered from activities implemented or followed by ARC in Catalonia as a communication campaign on biowaste collection on the UAB campus.
In parallel, simulations will be run in other European territories to assess the relevancy of the processes in various contexts.
Assessment of the eco-innovation
The second phase of the demonstration platform work will concern the assessment of the extent of eco-innovation achieved with the DECISIVE concept and processes:
- Impact of the new urban bio-waste decentralised management system on the global municipal waste prevention and waste streams quality: based on waste flows quantification and waste characterization approach, this work will compare the whole municipal waste production and quality before and after the implementation.
- Integrated social, ecological and economic impact of the new biowaste management system: This assessment work will be based on the method and indicators developed within the concept and tools consolidation platform and from data (environmental measurement, population survey, etc.) collected on the demonstrations sites. This will result in the valuation of the avoided impacts on ecosystem services offered by the implementation of the new management system and in an analysis of how alternative regulatory systems might support its development.
Business analysis and outlooks: it will be based on a business-oriented approach concerning the new proposed processes but also the new proposed biowaste management service, including urban farming concept. Closely linked with the integrated assessment described above, it will result in a road-map to the market (specific Business plans for partners’ companies) and exploitation plan beyond the project timeframe.