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Catalonia gives food waste and food loss a new policy framework

Catalonia Gives Food Waste And Food Loss A New Policy Framework

After being approved on 4 March by its parliament, Catalonia has a new Act on the Prevention of Food Loss and Food Wastage

This Act came as a result of an inter-departement working group that the Waste Agency of Catalonia was a part of and which drafted the proposed version.  The Act now provides legal tools for preventing food loss and food wastage and for increaing the good use of food along the whole food chain, from primary production to its consumption.

For the last 10 years the Waste Agency of Catalonia has been dedicating considerable economic efforts and work force to the issue of food loss and food wastage, which is one of its most important action tiers.

The text of the Act is available in Catalan in the Butlletí Oficial del Parlament de Catalunya (Official Gazette of the Parliament of Catalonia). For more information on prevention of food wastage in Catalonia please consult this page.

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