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After being invited to EEA’s workshop, ACR+ presented DECISIVE to EEA’s National Reference Centres on Waste

After Being Invited To EEA’s Workshop, ACR+ Presented DECISIVE To EEA’s National Reference Centres On Waste

The workshop was organised by the European Environmental Agency (EEA), as a regular event withint their country network, the National Reference Centres on Waste within the Eionet.

The workshop took place on 25 and 26 September at the EEA in Copenhagen. The new waste targets and new provisions in the revised directives adopted in the EU in 2018 require profound changes in waste management in most European countries. Therefore, the event scheduled a panel discussion with a focus on the challenges and ways forward towards the new waste targets. Jean-Benoit Bel of ACR+ was invited to join the panel titled New waste targets: challenges and way forward.

The panel gave some answers on what the implementation of the revised waste directives and moving towards the new ambitious waste targets should look like. As this was the opening session that day, it was taken also as the opening session to give an overview of the main challenges and possible ways forward from different perspectives.

Mr Bel’s presentation titled “Outlooks for waste management: the perspective of the local level” highlighted discrepancies between different European territories and also focus on the importance of the value chain and advantages of managing that value chain locally through the underlying philiosophy of the DECISIVE project.

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